
Don’t tell my parents


Talya, a 14-year-old schoolgirl, is coping as best she can with a permanent unease. Her mental health, like that of many young French women since the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic, is very poor. Titouan, a 16-year-old high-school student, navigates between big questions, phobias and harassment.
Against a backdrop of an explosion in psychological disorders among young people and a crisis in psychiatry, Fanny, Anaïs and Cindy, professionals at the Maison des adolescents in Valenciennes, join forces to offer solutions to these teenagers in distress.



Don’t tell my parents

Don’t tell my parents


In development

Year : 2024
Author-director : Clémence de Blasi
Duration : 52 min
Distribution : Les Docs du Nord

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With writing and development support from Pictanovo Hauts-de-France.